

博客 | 03.18.2024

By 考特妮·巴雷特, leadership program specialist to the dean of business and leadership

2023年10月, the SMWC Division of 商业与领导力 announced being awarded a grant from the U.S. Embassy in 希腊 to fund the Greek and American Gender Equality (GAGE) Program. GAGE is a collaborative program between 圣玛丽森林学院 (SMWC) and the University of West Attica (UNIWA) in Athens, 希腊. The purpose of GAGE is to strengthen the educational ties and the student mobility of both institutions by working together on developing gender equality case studies, which will be applied to multiple types of organizations in the Greek economy with the main goal of improving gender equality rates in 希腊.


该项目包括案例研究研讨会, cross-cultural 协作 and immersive study abroad components. 三月初, the UNIWA delegation packed their bags with curiosity and journeyed across the Atlantic, ready to embark on a cultural and educational adventure to the Crossroads of America.

该集团, made up of University of West Attica and SMWC students, walked in the footsteps of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods foundress, 圣·西奥多·葛兰嬷嬷 as they explored campus and experienced Terre Haute, 印第安纳州, 他们亲切地学着称之为“Terradise”.“个人有机会参观礼来公司 & 公司, 了解公司丰富的历史, commitment to service and their strive to “make it better.“他们多元化办公室的代表, Equity and Inclusion spoke about the company’s “Inclusion on Purpose: Empowering Our People for a Better Tomorrow,” where they have focused on establishing gender parity among other minority groups. 该集团 then visited the 国际 Culture Center and learned about 印第安纳州’s expanding progression in diversity, 公平与包容.

GAGE participants participating in teambuilding activities at the SMWC stables

They walked the grid-line streets and cranked their heads to view the towering skyscrapers of the Second City, 参观菲尔德博物馆的展品, and devoured the deep-dish tastes of authentic Chicago.

This was the first opportunity the students from each institution had the opportunity to interact in-person. 除了巡回演出, 购物, and dining together; Christine Wilkey, SMWC人类服务副教授, led the students in an assortment of teambuilding activities at the stables, 注重沟通, 协作, and applying individual strengths in various team dynamics. The students also posed for many photos with SMWC’s beloved Little Onyx, 学院的活吉祥物, 迷你马.

在一周内, 这两组人确实有更高的抱负, 散发着学院的校训, "美德与科学,译为“德性与知识相结合”.” They also spent several hours working on their case studies, focused on gender equality – with the goal of these case studies to positively impact and improve 希腊’s ranks in gender equality. 


这一周以庆祝活动结束. 第一个, 一个晚会, 第二,承认他们迄今为止的参与, 一个午餐, 在国际妇女节, honoring the achievements of strong women: May we know them. 愿我们成为他们. 我们可以抚养他们吗?. 愿我们与他们同在.

The participants took with them a wealth of new insights, 技能和想法,对一些人来说, new suitcases filled with treasures from this week’s adventures. 他们的工作并没有就此结束. 在短短的两个月里, six students and two faculty from The Woods will take their own journey across the Atlantic to Athens, 希腊——他们将在那里消费必看景点, culinary delights and cultural and educational experiences. At the conclusion of their visit, the students will apply their case studies in Greek organizations.

非常感谢赞助商, supporters and campus partners who made this week and experience possible.


考特妮·巴雷特, leadership program specialist to the dean of business and leadership, graduated from the University of Southern 印第安纳州 in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science in public relations and a minor in marketing communications. After enjoying her experiences as a campus student leader, 考特妮改变了她在公司的职业道路. She furthered her education at Western Kentucky University, 2008年获得教育学硕士学位. Kourtney then worked in Housing and Residential Life as a Senior Area Coordinator. 2012年春天, 她成为了学生行为临时协调员, and her already invested interests in student conduct and conflict resolution deepened. In the spring of 2013, Kourtney left the University of Southern 印第安纳州. She began the next chapter of her career as the Associate Director for Student Conduct and Integrity at 印第安纳州 State University. In addition to her primary role as the Associate Director, Kourtney investigated student-on-student 第九条 cases. With the unfortunate rise in sexual misconduct reports and the need for prevention and intervention education, the University created a new role in the spring of 2017. Kourtney transitioned to the Deputy 第九条 Coordinator for 学生.
For 15 years, Kourtney’s career has centered around higher educational law. Hundreds of training hours and several certifications in conflict resolution, 民权调查和学生不当行为. 2022年1月,考特妮加入伍兹家族. In addition to now serving as leadership program specialist to the dean, she serves as adjunct faculty for the Master of Leadership Development Program and the Department of 商业与领导力 undergraduate studies.


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