

According to the American Bar Association, preparation is the key to success in law school. “的 student who comes to law school lacking a broad range of basic skills and knowledge will face a difficult challenge,该组织说。. Pre-law studies at SMWC will prepare you for that challenge. Our degree programs provide the flexibility to lead you to the career of your dreams. With your professional advisors helping you along the way, you can mix and match majors and minors to get the perfect degree tailored to you and your career aspirations. Plus, you’ll graduate with a strong foundation in liberal arts.

的 pre-law minor is designed to introduce you to the study of law and the judicial process. It provides an orientation to the law, which is more general than that of most law schools. 我们的文科课程, with its emphasis on critical thinking and effective oral and written communication, will help you hone the skills you will need to perform well on the LSAT, 确保被法学院录取, 在法律职业上取得成功. 在入学, each student works with a pre-law advisor, who helps the student develop a strategy for selecting courses, identifying an appropriate departmental major (degree program), and navigating the law school application process.


What is pre-law and what can you do with a degree in it?
Pre-law is the course of study that refers to preparing for law school. Most pre-law students at SMWC pursue graduate work. While most continue their education towards the juris doctorate (J.D.) degree at an accredited law school, others have gone on to graduate work in their major discipline. 法律预科培训, in conjunction with the traditional academic discipline, prepares SMWC graduates for a wide range of career opportunities.
学生 who graduate from law school find employment in a variety of fields:

  • 学术界
  • 银行
  • 公司
  • 政府
  • 医疗
  • 政治
  • 私人诊所

In addition, there are many specialty areas within law:

  • 公民权利
  • 刑事
  • 教育
  • 劳动与就业
  • 环境和自然资源
  • 家庭及青少年
  • 移民
  • 知识产权
  • 房地产
  • 体育和娱乐

Can I get into a law school with just a pre-law minor?
Law schools do not require a particular undergraduate major for admission. 而不是, law schools recommend that undergraduates take a wide range of courses to sharpen their communication and cognitive skills. Undergraduate students planning on attending law school are advised to select a major that will strengthen their abilities to think analytically, to reach and write well and to deal with human problems in a realistic context.

How else will SMWC help me prepare for a legal career?
While the ABA does not require work experience, it does emphasize 服务 by providing: “If you are thinking of entering the legal profession, you should seek some significant experience, 在来法学院之前, in which you may devote substantial effort toward assisting others.” SMWC offers a variety of activities and organizations that enable students to participate in 服务 learning, 志愿者活动, 实习和社区服务. We also provide opportunities for 服务 projects within individualized classes that help students develop and demonstrate the commitment to public 服务 and justice that ABA emphasizes.

SMWC is well-placed to give pre-law students internships related to the local public and private law offices, 银行, 以及县和州的办公室. While the ABA does not emphasize work-related experience in its statements on preparing for law school, internships and other opportunities to work with the legal profession can allow students to explore and refine their interest in the law and develop a network that is useful in obtaining clerkships while in law school. 作为课程作业的一部分, pre-law students have been able to attend a variety of courtroom proceedings to observe firsthand the workings of the judicial process. Our location provides access to Vigo County Courts as well as the Terre Haute Division of the Southern District of Indiana United States District Court. 我们镇上有三所联邦监狱, as well as multiple state prisons within a short drive from campus.

Can my criminal record hinder my career in pre-law?
Any sort of criminal or disciplinary violation must be explained on a law school application. Minor brushes with the law, such as having many speeding tickets, may need to be explained. 主要问题, 比如重罪和一些轻罪, can prevent you from being accepted and/or taking the bar exam, 所以你一定要远离麻烦!

What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
学习资源中心 (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource 服务s to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support 服务s, 包括一个写作中心, 辅导, 大学成功课程等等.