
随着医疗保健的变化, 您将准备好集成技术, 利用数据, 应用循证发现, 有效地沟通和协作,创造性地为客户提供最佳的解决方案. 根植于文科的坚实基础, 科学与天主教教育, graduates of the nursing program are expected to demonstrate the following outcomes:

  1. 利用有效的 沟通与协作能力 通过口头, 写, 技术媒体和病人, nursing colleagues and interprofessional team members.
  2. 促进 整体健康, 包括精神健康, through the support of wellness and health-related activities for self and patients.
  3. 警卫 患者安全 通过批判性思维,信息技术,数据分析和风险管理策略.
  4. 提供有效的,具有文化敏感性和 爱心护理 through the use of the nursing process that is supported by current, evidence-based research as indicated by educational preparation and scope of practice.
  5. 证明有效的 领导与管理 通过在整个卫生保健连续体的病人护理的主管协调能力.
  6. 倡导 社会正义 通过促进获得机会、资源、优质保健和审慎的卫生政策.
  7. 展览 专业 through upholding the values, ethics and standards of nursing.

Our degree programs provide the flexibility to lead you to the career of your dreams. With your professional advisors helping you along the way, 你可以混搭专业和辅修专业,以获得适合你和你的职业理想的完美学位. At SMWC, you will benefit from a variety of real-world education experiences. 护理技能实验室和现代化学实验室为学生提供最先进的设备. Thanks to partnerships with local healthcare organizations, 学生也有机会进入校外模拟中心,并有机会获得临床经验.

All students are required to meet admission standards and take required courses.

主修课程- 120学时

进展 of classes for the campus BSN program:




Is there a required entrance test for the BSN program?
是的, the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is required with a score of 58%. 在过去两年内通过tea考试的学生可以要求ATI提供正式成绩单. A student is allowed to take the TEAS examination twice during an admission cycle. More information and study materials can be found at www.atitesting.com.

护理预科第一年对所有学生开放. 每年五月,春季学期的期末成绩提交后,内部申请人会接受该专业,通常是期末考试周后的周二. 目前,SMWC的BSN项目每个入学周期允许招收32名学生. 学生 will be admitted in up to two applicant pools described below:

  • 如果有竞争激烈的申请人, 录取过程中使用的学生数据如下:(理科GPA × 100) +(大学总GPA × 100) + tea分数四舍五入到最接近的整数=总分. 然后根据学生的总分进行排名.
  • 目前,SMWC的BSN项目每个入学周期允许招收32名学生. 学生 will be admitted in up to two applicant pools described below:
    • 池一个: “内部申请者”-目前在SMWC就读并已完成至少12个SMWC学分的学生. 如果总分相等,理科gpa较高的学生将优先考虑.
    • 在对“内部申请人”进行评估后,如果有空缺,委员会将移至 池B: “直接录取”-大学转学和符合入学要求的高中毕业生(转学机构或双学分计划的正式大学成绩单) 必须 提供). 如果总分相等, preference will be given to students who have accumulated more college credit hours.

Please see the 招生 Information tab below for additional details.

Is there a waiting list for the BSN program at SMWC?

What are the prerequisite courses I 必须 take before beginning nursing courses?
学生必须通过认可的学院或大学完成解剖学和生理学I和II,成绩为C或更高. 如果在SMWC外拍摄, 正式成绩单必须在被录取之前送到学院.

护理 students will spend most of their class time in Hulman Hall. 这栋楼里有化学和生物实验室以及护理模拟实验室. Cohorted clinical courses take place at our partner locations, including Providence Healthcare on campus; Davis Gardens at Westminster Village, 联合医院, 地区医院, 汉密尔顿中心, 以及特雷霍特的哈沙行为中心, Indiana; and Hendricks 地区医院 in Danville, IN. 高年级学生可以根据学生的要求和课程导师和临床协调员的批准,在各种不同的设施完成NU 485和NU 495规定的临床学时.

No. 的 Bachelor of Science in 护理 program is not available online.

如果我是外州学生怎么办? 我会在我的家乡获得执照吗?
我们的B.S. 在护理课程允许学生有资格获得执照在所有50个州和美国.S. 领土.

的 cost of a credit hour is the same for nursing as any other course at SMWC. 的re is an additional $260 cost for each clinical course. 这个项目有十门临床课程. 这笔费用用于支付您的ATI测试包, 你的执照复习课程, 医疗事故保险, 名牌和消耗品. 学生必须支付自己的制服费用, 鞋子, textbooks and clinical management document systems, 例如Acemapp或Castle Branch. All of these costs are included in the financial aid calculations.

Currently, nursing students are able to apply for any 学校的奖学金 他们符合标准.

I am a licensed RN, can I still complete my BSN at SMWC?
If you are a licensed RN interested in completing your BSN on campus please 博彩平台网址大全. We accept RN-BSN students on a case-by-case basis if space is available.

I am a licensed LPN, can I complete my BSN at SMWC?
是的, 但这个项目不是一个桥梁项目, so it could take three to four years depending on previously earned college credit. 护理系主任和BSN项目主任批准/拒绝所有可能的NU课程转学分. 教学大纲可能需要审批. Courses may not be approved due to the length of time since completion.

SMWC的护理系教师将他们的实际经验带到课堂和诊所教学中,帮助您学习如何提供富有同情心的护理. 研究生s of our nursing program are prepared when they go into the healthcare world.

What can you do with a bachelor’s degree in nursing?
我们护理课程的毕业生可以在医疗保健或进一步教育方面产生直接影响. 他们可以获得护理硕士学位,甚至成为家庭护理从业人员. Some of the jobs you can get with a nursing degree:

  • 保险理算员
  • 职业保健护士
  • 学校护士
  • 卫生科护士
  • 红十字会护士
  • 急症护理病房
  • 长期护理单位
  • 外科护士
  • 护士教育工作者
  • 飞行护士

What is the average annual salary of someone with a nursing bachelor’s degree?
当你看起薪时, 记住,生活成本和跳槽的机会也应该考虑到你的决定. 美国劳工统计局报告说,注册护士的平均工资是 $81,220.

学习资源中心 (LRC)提供卓越的、个性化的学习资源服务,鼓励学生取得成功. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, 包括一个写作中心, 辅导, 大学成功课程等等.

圣玛丽森林学院经常被《博彩平台网址大全》评为中西部地区最好的大学和最有价值的学校. Our departments are also routinely ranked for their individual degree programs.


你准备好成为SMWC的护理学生了吗? 以下是你需要知道的.

  • Applications will be accepted until the cohort is filled
  • High school diploma or its equivalent, such as a general equivalency degree (GED).
  • 成功完成护理预科核心课程,成绩达到“C”或以上,只能重修一次以提高成绩, including BI 231 Anatomy and Physiology I and BI 232 Anatomy and Physiology II.
  • 所有尝试过的同类课程必须在BSN项目毕业前以“C”或更高的成绩完成。
    • PS 111心理学导论
    • 《人际交流导论
    • 英语写作和研究写作
    • MA 117定量推理
    • ch121通用、有机和生物化学
    • BI 252联合健康微生物学
    • KHS 275人类营养
    • BI 330生物伦理学
  • 学生 are allowed 1 nursing course failure during the duration of the program. If the student does not pass the second attempt for the nursing course, they are dismissed from the program for a period of three years.
  • 护理录取, 进展, and Reinstatement Committee will review all previously earned college credit, 学生的总成绩必须达到2分.5平均绩点.
  • 学生 need to score a 58% (“proficient”) on the Assessment Technology Inc. (ATI)入学考试确定为基本学术技能测试(TEAS),在入学截止日期的最后两年内. 无论测试地点在哪里, a student may only attempt this exam twice per admission cycle. 如果学生参加此考试超过两次, 无论地点如何, the Department of 护理 will only look at the first two scores.
  • Current criminal background check within the last 30 days of application.
  • Negative 10-panel Drug Screen within the last 30 days of application.
  • 免疫接种证明, CPR /劳工统计局认证, 结核试验阴性, 个人健康保险, 都是入学必须的吗. Questions regarding this documentation can be directed to the clinical coordinator, 卡西迪.Wood@anorectal.net
  • 如果学生没有资格参加护理课程,他们必须等待整整一年才能在第二年秋天重新申请. If the student is ineligible for two consecutive years in a row, the student is not eligible to reapply for a period of three years.
  • 学生不能在过去三年内没有通过其他护理课程.
  • 大学新生和转学生如果成功完成了双学分的解剖学课程,就有资格申请直接进入护理专业 & Physiology I/II, or an equivalent, and have earned an ATI TEAS score of 58% or higher. 请博彩平台网址大全的项目支持专家, 摩根里尔登,以了解更多详情.

Our program is accredited by the following organizations: